I love to explore what keeps humans moving and performing throughout their whole life with ease and joy.
I am an exercise and sport scientist by trade and grew up training in Chinese martial arts. I competed in both traditional and modern wushu at national and international level in Europe, alternating smiles, tears and trophies. And, of course, as an Italian born and bred, I played soccer! Nowadays I spend time learning how to move on a wrestling mat, a dance floor and a boxing ring.
Professionally I worked in commercial gyms as a personal trainer for many years, however some years ago my interest shifted. I crossed paths with Crossfit, MovNat, Parkour and the Fighting Monkey practice which has further broadened my approach to the body in movement. I keep studying and challenging myself with different ideas, interpreting and sharing what I find valuable. My training propositions find their roots in science, practical experience and observation of dynamics in nature.
The big shift for my training approach was sparked from becoming a father for the first time. I started to question how we learn and practice, what we may carry over from our early development; rolling, standing, walking, pulling, climbing, jumping, throwing,… Since then, playfulness and creativity in relation to communication and development have become of great interest to me. It is through cultivating this interest that I have decided to share, through physical practices, how to engage with confidence the ever changing non linear nature of movement, life, sport and career.
What I aim to offer is a way of training where you can test and sense yourself as well as improve your performance and sustain your well being. This means that you have the opportunity to discover more about yourself, explore your potential and feel empowered to make the changes you wish. Engage and enjoy!
– I lived in Milan for my first 30 years, then in Perth, Brisbane, Melbourne and now Adelaide.
– ‘Illegal milongas’ were my favourite things to do when I danced Argentine tango in Milan.
– I climbed trees each day for 30 days in a row
– I coached basketball for an inclusive project which mixed people with and without disability within each team.
– I ran movement based workshops for the general public and businesses in Brisbane, Melbourne and Adelaide.
– I developed the exercise training program, the trainers training program and user programs for the Osso Fitness app.
Yours in movement,