Our Karmony Movement membership is very diverse and multi-faceted, much like you.

Our Karmony Movement membership is very diverse and multi-faceted, much like you.

We have created for you, a low impact and high variety membership, giving you unlimited access to our full range of studio classes

We have created for you, a low impact and high variety membership, giving you unlimited access to our full range of studio classes

Many other facilities specialise in just one area of movement, or are a ‘jack of all trades, master of none'. WE SPECIALISE in multiple areas of MOVEMENT.

Many other facilities specialise in just one area of movement, or are a ‘jack of all trades, master of none'. WE SPECIALISE in multiple areas of MOVEMENT.

We respect and believe whole-heartedly in all movement practices, and not as separate identities, but each as valuable, complementary and supportive of all the different layers that come with being a healthy and thriving human.

You can rest assured that we will never preach to you a one-eyed approach.

Our holy grail is to have our entire Karmony Family (and their families) feeling better and moving their bodies better, with ease, confidence and freedom in all aspects of their lives. And we believe that people need multi-disciplines in order to feel that and be that… (you can’t build a house with just a hammer…)

We also believe that all movement should be a fun and totally enjoyable part of our daily lives While some classes are slower paced, others lively and dance inspired, and some upbeat and in the heat, each is woven with mindfulness, respect for your body and richness of experience.

We have hunted down a masterful team to look after you and your body, bringing passion, education, enthusiasm and fun to every session, guaranteed.

When you step foot into Karmony, you can leave your life responsibilities at the door and be you. We are here to support and guide you, wherever you are on your journey; we will meet you there and navigate the steps with you.

When you step foot into Karmony, you can leave your life responsibilities at the door and be you. We are here to support and guide you, wherever you are on your journey; we will meet you there and navigate the steps with you.